"Plastic Nature" is an expanded art project with socio-environmental responsibility that transforms and inspires the eyes of hundreds of children and teachers. Since 2022, the project has served more than 6,000 elementary school students in Unified Educational Centers (CEU) in the capital of São Paulo and schools in the interior of São Paulo.

The main objective of the artist Eduardo Srur is to bring education and environmental awareness to the public school system through art with activities that include meetings with managers and teachers, creative workshops with the children, an immersive experience using cutting-edge technology, urban intervention and a visual exhibition. The project invites students to collectively recreate, using plastic waste, iconic works from the history of art by greats such as Van Gogh, Tarsila do Amaral, Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso and Monet, among others. The works are later exhibited to the school community, alongside some of Srur's own works, with the aim of enhancing environmental education in line with the schools' pedagogical and cultural practices.

"Art and sustainability should be taught at school as fundamental subjects for the formation of human beings," says Srur.


Since 2008 Srur has dedicated his career to teaching art and connecting the public with educational actions and attention to young people as a complement to his actions, interventions and artistic installations in public spaces.

As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations, states. "Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific progress and its benefits."

Painted, 2019
Workshops at CEU Butantã, São Paulo

Flight of the Birds, 2022
Guided tour in the People's Park

Labyrinth, 2012
Parque Ibirapuera
Guided tour for the visually impaired

Painted, 2017
Workshops at Pinheiros CPTM train station, São Paulo

Onça Pintada, 2017
Activity with children from Clube Pinheiros, São Paulo

Mobiles, 2014
Parque Ibirapuera
Activity with spontaneous public

Lecture at the State School Prof. Felice Ferreira

Mobiles, 2015
Parque Villa Lobos
Activity with spontaneous public

Labyrinth, 2012
Parque Ibirapuera
Guided tour for the visually impaired

Painted, 2019
Workshops at CEU Butantã, São Paulo

PETS, 2008
Donation of backpacks for the children

PETS, 2011
Cultural activity in Bragança Paulista

PETS, 2011
Cultural activity in Bragança Paulista

PETS, 2015
Cultural activity with public schools

PETS, 2011
Cultural activity in Bragança Paulista

Painted, 2019
Workshops at CEU Butantã, São Paulo

Dead Aquarium, 2014
Guided tour with schools in Guarujá, São Paulo

São Paulo

Children's drawings
Activity in a public school in São Paulo

Children's drawings
Activity in a public school in São Paulo

Children's drawings
Activity in a public school in São Paulo

Children's drawings
Activity in a public school in São Paulo